WEST MICHIGAN - Like Christmas, it only comes once a year...the start of meteorological summer! We meteorologists consider summer June, July, and August. In part, it's that way for simplistic purposes for categorizing things, events, climate outlooks, and the temperature cycle in North America. It's not the same as astronomical summer which begins June 21. That's the longest day of the year and it's also known as the summer solstice. It's also the point at which the sun will be as far north of the equator than it gets all year. After that, the daylight hours start to get shorter.
We've had some pretty good heat and a little humidty the past few days, now we'll cool down to around 70 into the weekend. Normal highs for this time of year have us in the middle 70s! The Climate Prediction Center is showing cooler than average temperatures for mid JUne. See the image below valid from June 8 - 14.

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