We asked — you answered!
Whether it's their personal dens, furry friends, or (probably) the cutest Jared Goff chants we've seen so far—
Can this Jared Goff chant get any cuter? We submit that it cannot!
Another contender for Cutest Jared Goff Chant Ever
—Lions fans from all over West Michigan are sharing their One Pride spirit!

Glow-in-the-Dark Lions Tattoo
Allie Brewer

Lucky Bibs 3
Gary Howell Patton

Little Lions fan
Brookelle Childs

Family of fans
Carrie Fisher

Family in Lions gear

Hanging out by the bar

Lucky Bibs 2
Gary Howell Patton

Lucky Bibs 4
Gary Howell Patton

Lions Fridge
Jan Mosson

Lucky Bibs 1
Gary Howell Patton

Maddy and Evie

Lions fans
Jane Jacobs

Lucky Bibs 5
Gary Howell Patton

Lions Tattoo
Preston Tilger

FOX 17's Andy Curtis, Age 7.png
Andy Curtis

Handmade rug
Robyn Marie Harrison

Family of Fans
Kate Henige

Family in Lions gear

Family of Fans
Becca VanRandwyk

Lions Fan Couple
Jane Jacobs

Lions fan with foam finger
Joe Martinez

Lions fans with flag
Rachel Thatcher

Lions fan
Rikki Asia

Lions fan w cheerleaders
Rikki Asia

Lions fans Zac, Dave, and Lulu
Christina Froaker

Coworkers and Lions fans alike
Leanne Morris

Lions bar display
Ashley Brown

Fan gear
Beth Fiedorowicz

Sweet Dreams Little Lions Fan
Christine Clifford

Lions fan at the Minnesota Game
Joe Martinez

FOX 17's Sam Lanstra
Sam Landstra

Linnaea Carter

Lions fan in car
Krystal Johnson

Ron and Khristy Birdsall
Khristy Birdsall

Lions fans couple
Manda Mustain

Family Holiday Card
The Shrauben Family

Lions fan Tom in Holland
Tom LeRoux

Kiddo lions fan
Chris Bovia

A dog named Duck
Chris Bovia

Perry Ver Merris.jpeg
Perry Ver Merris

Jack and Barb Palazzolo.jpg
Jack and Barb Palazzolo

Jennifer Cooper.jpg
Jennifer Cooper

Kid in Lions gear w mowhawk

Sandra Willett.jpg
Sandra Willett

Missy Cummings.jpg
Missy Cummings

Kid in Lions gear

Barbara Mouw.jpeg
Barbara Mouw

Melissa Smith.jpg
Melissa Smith

Kit, Matt and Parker
Matt Witkos

Lions Snowman
Rhonda Stephenson

We Want More Tour
Becca K

We Want More Tour
Becca K

Fan Sign
Brandy Teneyck

Lions family
Carrie Fisher

Lions super den
Missy Cummings

Lions super den
Missy Cummings

Family in Lions gear

Family in Lions gear

Smiling fan

Fan with Lions emblem Ford Lightning
Cris Ritsema

Couple at game
Cris Ritsema

Family in Lions gear

Family in gear w dog
Cris Ritsema

Lions fan family group photo

We Want More tour bus

Family in gear
Shannon VanGorp

Lions fans want the whole enchilada
Sara Jensen

Kid in gear
Rick Brady

Dogs and kids in gear
Jessie Ann Maness

Dog and kid in gear
Jessie Ann Maness

Lions flag
Nathan Jones

Miller Family
Jessica Miller

Itty Bitt & Gritty Lions Cub shirt
Susan Gearhart

little kid in Lions knit cap
Susan Gearhart

Blue-faced funko-pop and pic from game
Susan Gearhart

Family of fans at game
Nadine Ferris

Fan and baby in gear
Dawn Dexter

Group at Ford Field
Kate Henline

Fan in gear
Daniel Morgan

Jax Lions Corgi Cup runner up
Allison Case

Smart Women Love the Lions
Lisa Krupiarz

Lions fan in hat
David and Melody

Holiday decor
Sherry LaChapell

Lions flag
Nathan Jones

The Foraker Family.jpeg
The Foraker Family
Christina Foraker

Scott Holmes.jpg
Scott Holmes

Tammie Gorby.jpg
Tammie Gorby

Sally Huffman.jpg
Sally Huffman

Gwen Matthews.jpg
Gwen Matthews

Gwen by Ann Lobert.jpg
Ann Lobert

Lions fans
Kirsten Strong

Ladies posing with team pics
Kirsten Strong

Lions flag and emblem on car
Jennifer Bassler

GO LIONS on cupcakes
May Turkawski

GO LIONS written in snow
Chris Spaulding

Lions fans toast
May Turkawski

Freeport MI Family 1
Madison Buehler

Freeport MI Family 2
Madison Buehler

Lions baby
Leslie Boman

Lions fan
Rylan DeRuyter

GO LIONS on The Rapid - .png
James Nguyen

Lions Fan in gear
Sandy Teesdale

Kids and dog
Lauren Tarzwell

Fan by One Pride mural
Sandy Teesdale

Lions fan in gear from his kids
Bruce Gasaway

Kiddo Lions fans
Garner Cusack

Lions fan with football
Steven Axtell

Fan couple
Wanda Foote

Fan Selfie
Karen Tower

Jessica Allen.jpg
Jessica Allen

Jessica Allen 2.jpg
Jessica Allen

Olga Rodriguez.jpg
Olga Rodriguez

Macy Jansen.jpg
Macy Jansen

Gail Bly.jpg
Gail Bly

Kelly Israels.jpg
Kelly Israels

Sarah Cooper.jpg
Sarah Cooper

Lynn O'Connor.jpg
Lynn O'Connor

Kelly Mahal.jpg
Kelly Mahal

Tim and Roxanne Weber.jpg
Tim and Roxanne Weber

MFB at Covenant Staff.jpg
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation

thumbnail_Lions GRIT.jpg
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation

Chris Bovia.jpg
Chris Bovia


Zeke by Tim Kuiper.jpg
Tim Kuiper

Jennifer Bassler.jpg
Jennifer Bassler
Nolan Krieger by Robert Krieger.JPEG
Robert Krieger

Shelley Cappiello.jpg
Shelley Cappiello

Amy Westendorp.jpg
Amy Westendorp

Kathy Compagner.png
Kathy Compagner
And check out this Pride of Lions — West Michigan pets get decked out for the playoffs!

Just a bunch of cardiac kitties (and a pup)
Lisa Herrick

Fergus the Lions pup
Jim Palumbo

Ella the lions pup
Rosie Taylor

Ella the lions pup
Rosie Taylor

Gus the bulldog
Stacy Van Dyken

Brittany Slone

Lions pup
Ryan Schmidt

Lions Pup
Lisa Herrick

Buddy the Lions pup
Robert Goris

Whiskey the Lions Pup
Autumn Spice

Kit, Matt and Parker
Matt Witkos

Lee VanStreain.jpg
Lee VanStreain

Lions Kitty
Lisa Herrick

Amy Van.jpg
Amy Van

Ryan Schmidt.jpg
Ryan Schmidt

Jessica Torres.jpg
Jessica Torres

A dog named Duck
Chris Bovia

Lions Pup Maggie May
Mark Bourne

Lions pup
Rachel Thatcher

Lions Kitty
Lisa Herrick

Lions Pup
Douglas Karel

Pug in Lions gear
Jane Jacobs

Lions fans
Jane Jacobs

Carly Daugherty

unnamed FOX 17 viewer

Lulu the pug
Christopher & Jennifer

Lauren Elizabeth

Karen Harris

Tiffany Udell


Ryan and Jenn Hulst

Joan Laraway

Fan pet photo (12).png
Debra Flynn

Lions Kitty
Lisa Herrick

Bogey the Lions pup
Brenda Clay

Jax Lions Corgi Cup runner up
Allison Case

Kay the Lions pup
Sue Livingston

Dog and kid in gear
Jessie Ann Maness

Dogs and kids in gear
Jessie Ann Maness

Rudy the Lions Pup
Patti Kaliniak

Pups in Lions hats
Kelly Veenstra

Lions Bulldog
Samantha Griffin

Lions Bulldog
Samantha Griffin

Rhonda Ellis Cat.jpeg
Muzzy the cat in a Lions jersey
Rhonda Ellis

A dog in a Lions jersey
Janna Holst

Bella by Perry VerMerris.jpg
Perry VerMerris

Class Lions Fans
Doug Davis

Dog by Mark Riggs.jpg
Mark Riggs

Dexter by Tammi Morris.jpg
Tammi Morris

Mokka Jo by Karen Warner.jpg
Karen Warner

Fergus by Mary Fisher.jpg
Mary Fisher

Claire by Cyndi Stielstra.jpg
Cyndi Stielstra

Dog by Kirsten Strong.jpg
Kirsten Strong

Dachsund D Line
Get it? It's a D-line... We'll see ourselves out
Angie Krick

Lions pup 1
Kirsten Strong

Lions pup 2
Kirsten Strong

Lions pup 3
Kirsten Strong

Lions Huskey
Adriane Madisyn

Jaq the Lions pup

Kids and dog
Lauren Tarzwell

Clementine - Lions pup
Heather Klaver

Onlsow - pup dressed in Det Lions costume

Steve Nink.jpg
Steve Nink

Charlotte by Roberta Mathews.jpg
Roberta Mathews

Izzy by Brit Leegwater.jpg
Brit Leegwater

Smol lion by Mikala McShane.jpeg
Mikala McShane

Birdie by Wendy Miranda.jpg
Wendy Miranda

Jasper by Terrence Vaughan.jpg
Terrence Vaughan

Hutch by Mary Ramirez.jpg
Mary Ramirez


Pixie by Cindy Codling.jpg
Cindy Codling

Dog by Scott Eggleston.jpg
Scott Eggleston

MFB Rec Staff with Faith.jpg
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation

Sandra Willett.jpg
Sandra Willett

Hal Nancy Standish.png
Hal Nancy Standish

Dolly by Lisa Arnold.jpg
Lisa Arnold

Frankie by Heather Bessert.jpg
Heather Bessert

Katherine Beck.jpg
Katherine Beck

Lilly by Heather Gonda.jpg
Heather Gonda
Thanks to everyone who's sent in pictures and videos so far.
Want to join in on the fun and show off how much you love the Lions? Email pictures or video to News@Fox17Online.com and then tune in for a chance to see it on air!
Let's Defend the Den this Saturday together as the Lions take on the Washington Commanders at 8 p.m. on FOX 17!