MARNE, Mich. — Levie Jones started racing when he was just 7 years old. Growing up in a family full of race car drivers, Tacoma Washington native found his way to west michigan this summer to race at one of the best short tracks in the country and he’ll do it at the national level this week.
“I got into racing when I was seven. My family had been in it for years,” said Levie Jones.
Starting with quarter midgets, then Levie raced legends and when he was 16 he got into late model cars. Now he races weekly at one of the country’s premiere short tracks, right here in west Michigan.
“I’d watch Berlin for years on FloRacing, just watching the weekly races. And I got into it through connections. My media guy that I’ve been working with kinda mentioned running here this season and through that everything kinda developed into running here for the season,” said Levie.
So at 18 years old, he packed up in trailer and made the 33 hour drive from Tacoma, Washington, to Marne.
“Trying to fit the little bit furniture I did have in the race trailer with the car and everything. That part was fun. Moved in pretty quick. I think it was a three day drive. We’ve driven from North Carolina and back, to Washington, so we’re used to the longer drive. 12 to 14 hour driving days isn’t super hard for us but it was definitely a challenge,” said Levie.
As hard as it was to let their oldest child move away, his parents were in full support of his cross country move.
“They were good with it. I mean, it was a bit hard for them just knowing that I would be truly on my own. I’ve travel a lot for racing and lived in a lot of places. So it was a little bit harder for them, especially my mom, but they were very excited for the opportunity,” said Levie.
His parents and younger sister have all traveled to visit him since his move this spring and his dad will be back for what easily will be his biggest race yet, the Money in the Bank 150.
“Nervous, excited. All of it. Just excited to see how I do and just learn more. A little nervous just because there are a lot of cars and some really big name guys. So that part is always nerve-racking and exciting. There are a lot of different emotions going into it,” said Levie.
He hopes to meet and chat with past winners Erik Jones and Carson Hocevar this week, ahead of the race. His ultimate goal, is to end up in their shoes. One day driving a cup series car.
“I think just about every driver wants to go to NASCAR but my goal is to make a career out of racing as a driver. Cup series is great, obviously that’s where I want to go but there are only 36 cars every Sunday so that’s where it gets a little hard. But I want to make a career out of racing,” said Levie.
Money in the bank is set for Wednesday, June 12th with racing starting at 6:30pm. We’ll have full coverage of those races later this week.
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