EAST LANSING, Mich. — Spartans stood together Tuesday, February 13, as a number of memorials grew on campus. Tuesday marks one year since a gunman opened fire on the campus of Michigan State University, killing three.
FOX 17 spoke with students to hear how they're finding healing, and found one important theme time and time again: so many people are in different places on their healing journey.
Still, some students found strength to drop off flowers across campus.

Though a year's time has passed, students say they still can't help but remember that terrible day.
“I wouldn’t say it feels better. You think about where you were last year when all this happened,” MSU sophomore Ava Arwady said.
Students found healing in different ways.
“I just brought flowers to the statue. I did that last year, too," Arwady said.
Many students dropped off flowers at the Sparty statue, at the Rock and even at Berkey Hall — where two students lost their lives.

“I just feel like it’s something nice to do, just to remember the people that we lost,” Arwady said.
Freshmen Kaylin Scheuneman and Payton Grispo, both from Ada, weren't students when the shooting happened. Still they brought flowers.
“Just to honor the three lives that were lost last year, and show our support for the community,” Grispo said.
They say they still proudly became Spartans.
“I know I’ve wanted to come here most of my life. So this didn’t change anything. It’s such a beautiful school, and offers such great programs,” Scheuneman said.
Other students took part in a planned day of kindness and service, put on by the student government.
“I think it’s really important that as a community we’re coming together to heal,” Kathryn Harding Director of Health Safety and Wellness for ASMSU said.
Students took time to do something good.
“So we have different kindness activities going on here at the International Center, such as writing a positive note, attaching it to a squish mellow and then giving it to a loved one. Also, painting mini rocks and putting them around campus,” Kathryn Harding said.
Though time won't doesn't heal all— taking a moment to reflect, together, is where many Spartans found strength.
“It's just, what we can do. Do something nice," Arwady said.