KALAMAZOO, Mich. — The 10th year for Baby It’s Cold Outside was their most successful yet.
The program distributes thousands of donated comfort items and winter gear to homeless communities in Kalamazoo in an effort to locate missing persons.
When we previewed this event on FOX 17 Morning News, Boers told us they typically reconnect at least 1 person with their families and always help dozens of homeless in the area as winter months close in.

This year, not only were about 40 people lined up before it was set to start, but the event helped 4 families find missing loved ones living in the area—including one whose loved one was positively identified walking around in the crowd.
Not all who are found want to return to the life they left, but— as Boers knows too well —having an answer can mean the world to those left to worry when someone disappears. She's worked with several missing person investigations over the years, inspired by a search for her cousin, Richie Hitchcock, who disappeared from downtown Allegan over 30 years ago.

Boers credits the success to the people who donate their gently used items and the volunteers, putting special emphasis on those willing to come forth and help a family find answers.
“..What an incredible day spent with incredible people, I thank all of you, be proud of yourself, you freaking rock!” Boers posted to social media the day after.
Anything left over at the end of the day was given to the Dream Center, a nonprofit in Kalamazoo that helps those in need.
Baby It’s Cold Outside is one of a few independent operations across the country opening up lines of communication between homeless communities and families looking for lost loved ones, and she hopes this kind of initiative starts to spread.