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Web Moment: Pranking dogs with Halloween candy dishes


Pity the poor dog who just wants a treat. Not a trick.

But dogs in these videos, while offered a treat, got a trick from the ones they trust the most: their owners.

At first, I was amused by this prank concept, but after finding several YouTube videos of the same prank on various unsuspecting canines, I found myself siding with the dogs.

This isn't particularly malicious, but some of the owners repeatedly order their pooches to "take it, take it, take it."

Okay everybody, it's been done.

Here are the original videos:

Owner Pranks Dog With Halloween Candy Bowl
Scary Treats: Scaring a dog with an animated hand candy bowl
Dog scared of candy dish
Jeff Dunham-inspired Halloween treat bowl dog test
My dog vs. Evil Candy Bowl
Lou scared by Halloween candy dish
Happy Halloween From My Dog Webster!!