(WXMI) — Crews are out clearing snow from the roads again Tuesday, and local road commissions want to remind community members of what they can do to help make sure cleanup efforts proceed smoothly.
The road commissions for Kent and Ottawa counties advise the public to do the following:
- Park cars in driveways and away from the road.
- Clear storm drains and catch basins to reduce chances of flooding.
- Shovel snow “downstream” from your driveway then clear a pocket in the “upstream” area to reduce snow pileup from plows.
- Keep children away from the road and discourage them from building forts or tunnels out of snow banks.
- Wear reflective and/or brightly colored clothing while outside.
- Do not shovel snow into the road, or else risk being fined.

County Road Association of Michigan via the Ottawa County Road Commission
Watch this video for more on how to keep children safe while snow plows are at work: