WEST MICHIGAN — If you're headed out to plant a tree or pick up trash today, you'll want to bundle up! Temperatures will be cooler than average, nearing 50 degrees this afternoon. Cloud cover will be in abundance, and you'll want to remember an umbrella. Scattered rain showers are possible through the day as well.

Earth Day is another reminder that we should be thoughtful in our actions.

Big or small, your actions matter. Lots of local organizations will be putting together things to do today, but there are also a few practices you can do yourself.
Some ideas from EarthDay.org include, learning and striving for climate literacy, planting trees, supporting sustainable fashion, and cleaning up plastics and trash.
Here is a map of events for you to get involved in today: https://earthday.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/8d15cc3da12d4338a109c7d64c97c02a