

Record warmth possible Wednesday

80° possible for some in West Michigan
Wednesday's Evening Temperatures
and last updated

WEST MICHIGAN — This weekend's warmth is only going to grow this week, potentially challenging the daily record highs on Wednesday. Many spots could be seeing their first 80° day of 2021 by Wednesday evening.

The keys to seeing close to, if not actual, record high temperatures will be sunshine and rain. Both Tuesday and Wednesday are expected to have enough sunshine and very little rain to bring temperatures about 25° above normal for early April. If we are locked into extra clouds or even have a few showers/t'storms, it will hold temperatures down just below record levels.

Tuesday's Evening Temperatures

Tuesday is expected to be nearly as warm as Wednesday, with highs in the middle 70s to perhaps around 80 degrees. The only problem is records on this day are just a few degrees too high in the lower to middle 80s.

Wednesday's Evening Temperatures

Wednesday will be 1° - 2° warmer than Tuesday, along with the records being similar, if not a few degrees lower, than Tuesday. This sets us up to bring the best challenge to those records. If you do not have an 80° day on Tuesday, you will have a better shot of it Wednesday. We get even deeper into the warm air and the southerly flow as a system approaches from the west. This system will bring an end to the incredible warmth starting Thursday.

Wednesday Records

The system that will bring an end to the potential record heat, will also bring a much better shot of rain and thunderstorms. This threat will be with us Thursday-Saturday, and temperatures will be forced back into the 60s. Severe weather is not likely with any of this activity.