
My Rebound: Test anxiety

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Editor's note: Ace emigrated from Manila, Philippines in 1993 and has made Grand Rapids his home since 1998. He desired for his son to feel both pride in and connection to his Filipino heritage. So he founded the Grand Rapids Asian-Pacific Festival. It is now a community-wide initiative that extends beyond a single event to year-round activities that honor Asian traditions. Also a banker, he recently resigned from his position – now staying full-time with his 6-year-old son. Ace, his wife, son and dog live in Plainfield Township.

The online realtor class took me longer than expected, but I felt I was ready to tackle the final exam. I needed to pass the final exam to get an opportunity to take the state exam licensure.

My hands were clammy, and my knees were weak just thinking about it. I have not taken a final exam in quite some time. Good thing I could still take this at my home computer, and all I needed to do was to pass with 80%. Ok, just 70%, but I figured if I do this with at least 80%, I can feel confident taking the state exam.

The final exam was not a piece of cake, so I felt good about passing with 84%. I felt I had room for improvement, and I could continue to study while I scheduled the state exam. It looked like I could take the state exam as many times as I wanted to, however, for each attempt I would have to pay the fee. Jackie and I do not have an endless amount of test fee funding, so I hated to put on too much pressure, but I needed to pass this in one try.

The day for the state exam was set but unfortunately, they sent me a notice of cancellation due to COVID-19. Waiting for another two weeks only added to my anxiety. I did not want to forget what I studied, but a few more practice tests and flashcards with my son Redd helped.


Finally test week was on hand. I told my Grand Rapids Asian-Pacific Foundation team I would need to go on silent mode for a few days. I also stopped blogging for a week. Do you ever say yes to everything? I had already agreed to DJ for a backyard party and a wedding, and it fell right before the new test day. Significant events, but also took my focus off. Perhaps I needed that break, and get my mind off the test and enjoy myself. I do love DJing, as having fun with people energizes me.

When the test day finally arrived I was early to the site. It calms me when I can walk around and look at a location. The testing proctor or guard looked strict, and the calculator that I searched all day for was not even needed. They take your picture before your testing and I do wish I wore a better shirt, if only I knew this is a thing.

SEE MORE: Online improvements

I sat down on the testing chair, and before I clicked ready to test, I prayed for a calm mind.

One hundred eighty questions, how will I handle this pressure? Upon the last question, I went back and reviewed my answers. I still have 55 minutes left on this timed test. I decided to do one final check. Then I clicked submit.

Thirty seconds later, the results came. I see the picture that the gentleman took of me earlier. Next to it is the word “Passed.” I gave thanks to God! I am so excited about continuing to build our home in West Michigan.