
My Rebound: Online improvements

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Editor's note: Ace emigrated from Manila, Philippines in 1993 and has made Grand Rapids his home since 1998. He desired for his son to feel both pride in and connection to his Filipino heritage. So he founded the Grand Rapids Asian-Pacific Festival. It is now a community-wide initiative that extends beyond a single event to year-round activities that honor Asian traditions. Also a banker, he recently resigned from his position – now staying full-time with his 6-year-old son. Ace, his wife, son and dog live in Plainfield Township.

Taking the realtor class required a lot of focus. But how could I focus when my son Redd needed another player for his online game? How can someone say “no” to Redd when he asks, “Dad, please let's play?”

After having sudden insight on my career path at the kitchen table with my wife Jackie, I signed up for online realtor classes. Wow, I expect to spend a lot of time studying and spending money to get this business going. But first things first--I needed to pass this class and then take the state exam.

The class modules were intense, but some of the terms do intermingle with my banking and loan experience. I feel that I have a better initial grasp of real estate concepts. The other aspects like appraisals, best practices, and legalities will take some time to learn. I tried to block out everyone for a few hours a day until I completed the class.

Why does learning take forever? I set up flashcards, and I had Redd test me. The cards were all random, and this lasted about three minutes until Redd got bored trying to test his daddy. The math portion of the test was easy enough for me. I love solving math problems, however at the same time, I questioned why we don't use an app to figure 30-year amortization tables.

I think Jackie might grow tired of my constant real estate excitement. I know she is not as fun at 2 a.m. when I tell her I passed the practice exams. My head has become very full of information. The other day I learned a Superfund site is any land in the United States that has been contaminated by hazardous materials and identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It came in handy when my friend started talking about Superfund sites, and I nodded in understanding instead of just being polite.

My mind keeps wandering, and I doze off quickly. In between studying, I use the time to clean the house, play with Redd, and continue our community work with the Grand Rapids Asian-Pacific Foundation. While we delivered hundreds of pounds of rice to local charities, my mind was counting the perimeter of a home that could hold the amount of rice in the back of the pickup truck.

I know having a home makes us rooted in West Michigan. How would people even buy homes during the pandemic? Maybe I am a bit loopy from not sleeping much, trying to study late at night when Redd and Jackie are fast asleep. 11 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., and 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. are my study times.

The class is not terribly expensive, but at the same time, I cannot waste money if this is not going to work. I am serious about this career, and it is me all the way. I can continue to volunteer and help the community, and maintain the flexibility and independence I need. I believe a few people will trust me with one of the most expensive purchases of their lives. I also

learned a Superfund Site is any land in the United States that has been contaminated by hazardous waste and identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It came in handy the other day as my friend started talking about superfund sites, and I nodded in understanding instead of just being polite.

I am focused on studying hard and finishing.