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Repeat after us: 'We will not give up our New Year's resolution!'

Goals, Resolution
Posted at 6:21 AM, Jan 18, 2024
and last updated 2024-01-22 11:22:12-05

With the glitter of the New Year all but faded, it can be easy to let your resolutions go by the wayside, too. But why?

You want to reach that goal—to better yourself or your corner of the world— and Sr. Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Priority Health, Dr. James Foreshee tells FOX 17 there’s no reason you shouldn’t.

Take today as a moment to reaffirm your resolve!

Remember— Why did you start in the first place?
Finding daily reminders of why you began and what you’ll gain can give you the motivation to push forward.

Reassess— Was your original goal overwhelming?
Whether the initial goal turned out to be too big, or you took on several little goals that added up to a big issue; take a step back and figure out what worked, what didn’t, and make adjustments!

Relax— There’s no shortcut, but there are tons of potholes and detours. Don’t be hard on yourself.
No one's success looks the same or happens in the same manner. The point is setting yourself up to succeed in your way.

Resume— Stopping isn’t an issue; restarting is what matters.
So you forgot for a week. So what? Start again today. Small efforts add up and often make for more lasting success. Once you’re back in the mindset of working toward success, take those steps to make it a reality.

You got this!

Also, National Ditch Your Resolution Day was yesterday, so you missed it. May as well keep going.

Priority Health members can login to their website to find resources for achieving health goals of all kinds.