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Pet Adoption Tuesday: Meet Murray!

Murray on a desk
and last updated

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — This Pet Adoption Tuesday it’s time for Murray’s Law—and Murray’s Law states anyone who can provide belly rubs will provide belly rubs.

During opening statements, this easy-going tabby will draw you in with his green eyes, calm demeanor, and signature chirp, but don’t be fooled— jurors will note he will pounce after a laser toy faster than any kitten!

Murray August 2023
Pet Adoption Tuesday Meet Murray!

The first 5 years of his life were spent studying at the school of hard knocks, but life on the street brought too much pain and not enough human companionship.

In July of 2023, Murray was found not guilty of being a tough street cat by a jury of fosters and veterans working with Michele’s Rescue. Deliberations were instantaneous.

Today, he’s in great health, managing lingering symptoms with allergy meds and finally filling out into his strong tomcat stature.

Pet Adoption Tuesday Meet Murray!

He’d love to become judge, jury, and exe-cute-tioner for a family practice with a pack of kitty peers and hopes for associate humans looking to be sentenced to a lifetime of playtime and long-whiskered love!

Are you ready to fall under Murray’s jurisdiction? Apply now at Michele’s Rescue to find out!