ROCKFORD, Mich. — 15-year-old Laisa has some serious skills in the kitchen.
“I started cooking when I was seven, and the very, very first thing I made was steak," Laisa said.
You saw that right. Not PB & J or Macaroni and Cheese, but steak— and they’ve only elevated their kitchen game from there.
“I love making chicken alfredo, Laisa said.
“I make the sauce myself with cream cheese, a little bit of cornstarch to make it thicker and heavy cream with no milk,” Laisa said.
They have a goal of opening their own restaurant. They’re still working out the name.
You can count on one menu item for sure making an appearance on the menu.
“Lots of pasta, Lots and lots of pasta; So much pasta,” Laisa said.
“It's going to be a pasta place.”

They feel at home in the kitchen even when they don’t feel at home.
And they don’t only create art for the table- but on the potter’s wheel too, knowing exactly what they’d make for their permanent family.
I'd make them a really fancy looking big bowl for like, you know, salads or whatever,” Laisa said.
“And I’d make pasta, chicken alfredo with mushrooms.”
We've all heard that food brings people together and Laisa can’t wait to make memories and fill bellies with their own forever family.
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