PORTAGE, Mich. — Portage police have a suspected burglar in custody, thanks to a track of footprints and the tracking skills of a local police K9.
Early on Sunday morning, the Portage Department of Public Safety sent officers to look into a commercial burglar alarm in the 5400 block of South Westnedge Avenue.
In the freshly fallen snow, officers found a trail of footprints leading away from the business.
The Portage officers quickly called for support and prepared for a K9 track. The nearby Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety sent an officer and K9 Lex to sniff out the scene.
K9 Lex steered police in the right direction for several minutes and for several blocks, authorities say, before finally leading police to a suspect.
Police say a 36-year-old Kalamazoo man was found, arrested and lodged at the Kalamazoo County Jail, according to a Facebook post from the Portage Department of Public Safety.
In the post, PDPS also expressed gratitude for the teamwork shown between the Portage and Kalamazoo departments.
"This is a great example of local agencies in Kalamazoo County working together and sharing their resources," said PDPS, before thanking K9 Lex for the successful back-up.