NewsLocal NewsGrand Rapids


John Ball Zoo celebrates Penguin Awareness Day


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A tuxedo, a wabbly little waddle, and some of the best sledding skills around-- one of nature's cutest birds is getting their due on January 20th.

It's Penguin Awareness Day, of course!

And John Ball zoo is celebrating their efforts to teach West Michigan all about the fancy (non-) flier.

JBZ was one of the first zoos in the U.S. to welcome Magellanic penguins in the 1980s, becoming one of the most successful zoo breeding programs for the species.

The Zoo’s 24 penguins range in age from 4-year-old Chester to 32-year-old Agnes. Wild Magellanic penguins typically live eight to 10 years, but with the Zoo’s excellent care, they can live into their 20s and 30s.

“At John Ball Zoo, we are proud of the expert care and deep knowledge of Magellanic penguins, helping to ensure that this species continues to survive and thrive for future generations,” said Nick Milbratz, education coordinator.

The zoo has 2 opportunities to get up close with these majestic birds— even while closed for the visiting season; Penguin Feeding, and Penguin Encounter.

Both experiences offer a unique perspective on how to care for penguins and the efforts to keep them safe in captivity and the wild.

You can find out more here.