KALAMAZOO/BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — The Bronson Health Foundation has raised over $10 million to benefit cancer care at Bronson Hospital, a representative of Bronson Corporate Communications tells us.
We’re told the funds raised surpassed the health foundation’s initial goal of $8 million.
Bronson says the money will go toward building a new cancer center in Kalamazoo, renovating their cancer center in Battle Creek, offering mental health support to children and families, and purchasing state-of-the-art radiation equipment.
“For the community to come out and support this campaign in such a big way says so much,” says Vice President of Development Terry Morrow. “Cancer touches everyone, and this $10 million-plus investment tells those who are on a cancer journey – our friends, neighbors and family members – that they are not alone.”
While the fundraising event is over, Bronson says they will continue to accept donations here.