

Long-term health starts skin deep, protect yours!

Skin Cancer - Prevention - Skin Cancer Awareness 2.png
Posted at 7:08 AM, May 23, 2024

Soaking up the sun can be rejuvenating emotionally and physically, but Priority Health has a LOT to say about too much of this good thing.

You already know we’re talking about skin cancer risks, so let’s cut to the scary bits:

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer—and—the most preventable.
5,000,000 cases are treated every year in the U.S. alone.
Unrepaired DNA multiplies out of control, forming malignant tumors.
The more sun you get—especially if you’ve burned—the higher your chances of getting it.

Let’s go back to that ray of hope; it is the most preventable form of cancer.

Slather on the sunscreen, wear sun-safe clothes like long sleeves, pants, hats, and sunglasses (Yes, your eyes can get sunburn. It’s called Photokeratitis) and limit your sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s rays are most directly focused on the Earth.

These steps will help keep melanomas from forming, but you’re not done yet.

Check your skin regularly and keep an eye on any changes to coloration, spots that show up or change shape, or any irregularly shaped growths.

The Grand Rapids-based healthcare provider recommends you also get with a dermatologist at least once a year—more so if you’ve had a skin or other type of cancer diagnosis—to check for irregularities.

Find something?

First make an appointment with your doctor. They will do an exam and recommend a dermatologist or oncologist depending on what they find.

That referral will lead you to an answer; yes or no.

If no—congratulations. Please go back to the top of this article and continue practicing all the prevention techniques.

If yes—do not worry. Skin cancer is very treatable, especially if caught early, and there’s a good chance a dermatologist will be able to eliminate it eintirely.

Priority Health members should check ThinkHealth, their digital health and wellness publication for resources.