
All Michigan voters will get an application to vote by mail for August & November elections

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All registered voters in Michigan will get an application to vote by mail in both the August Primary Election and November General Election.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson made the announcement Tuesday morning as the coronavirus pandemic continues in Michigan.

“By mailing applications, we have ensured that no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote,” Benson said in a release. “Voting by mail is easy, convenient, safe, and secure, and every voter in Michigan has the right to do it.”

There are 7.7 million registered voters in Michigan, and about 1.3 are on the permanent absent voter list. That means the local election clerk mails them applications ahead of every election.

Benson said the Michigan Bureau of Elections has ensured all remaining registered voters receive an application.

“We appreciate that some clerks are proactively protecting public health by mailing applications to all their registered voters, and we are fulfilling our responsibility to provide all voters equal access,” said Benson. “We know from the elections that took place this month that during the pandemic Michiganders want to safely vote.”

This is what happened in May when 50 elections were held throughout the state. According to Benson, there was record-breaking turnout with nearly 25% of eligible voters casting ballots and 99% of them doing so by mail or in a drop box. In the previous May elections, the average turnout was 12%.

Those getting the application in the mail will also get a cover letter with instructions. Once a voter signs their application, they can mail it or email a photo of it to their local clerk, whose contact information will be on the application.

The application is also available for download at , and at that website, people can also register to join the permanent absent voter list so they always have an option to vote by mail.

“The vast majority of voters across the political spectrum want the option to vote by mail,” Benson added in the release. “Mailing applications to all registered voters is one of the ways that we are ensuring Michigan’s elections will continue to be safe, accurate and secure.”

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