Morning Mix


Morning Buzz: December 11

Posted at 11:17 AM, Dec 11, 2023
and last updated 2023-12-11 11:17:32-05

1. Those looking to do something special for our veterans this holiday season can get some great ideas from Michigan Veteran Homes.

They've published a wish list. The gifts are sure to make the more than 300 veterans living at state veteran homes, including the ones in Grand Rapids, feel remembered and special.

You can find more information on how to spread some holiday cheer to those who fought and sacrificed for our freedoms at

2. It's a tradition that goes back more than a century. The post office in the town of Nazareth, michigan continues to offer a special holiday pictorial postmark to customers around the world.

The town was founded by the sisters of St. Joseph in 1899 and since then, the post office has only had six postmasters, four of them nuns.

Last year the post office received more than 38,000 requests from all over the world including Japan and France. If you can't make the trip to Nazareth, there is a way to have your cards or letters postmarked with the special art: mail it to 5073 Gull Road, Kalamazoo, MI, 49048.

3. A tradition for many along the lakeshore is once more here for the holidays. "The Promise" is an extraordinary performance of the dancers of Turning Pointe School of Dance.

Each year the nonprofit produces a show that weaves the Christmas story together using powerful scripture and beautiful music with dynamic classical ballet and contemporary dance.

Tickets range from $20 to $25 and are still available for the December 15th and 16th performances at 7 p.m. There is also a matinee on the 16th at 2 p.m.

You can find more info and purchase tickets at

4. A Glimpse of Africa is a local nonprofit that brings people together showcasing and sharing diverse African cultures.

They are hosting a special holiday food distribution and event on Sunday, December 17 at the African Community Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in Kentwood.

At the event, you'll hear great conversations, learn from experts, and be able to take home free produce and meats.

You can find more information on Facebook by searching “A Glimpse Of Africa.”

5. Pantone wants you to "embrace the warmth" with its pick for the color of the new year.

Pantone says the color of the year for 2024 is "peach fuzz."

Pantone says the shade quote" captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others."

"Peach fuzz" is the 25th color of the year from Pantone, which is selected by trend experts who predict what will become popular next.