Fans familiar of the 80s movie "Clue" and the board game of the same name will want to come see the East Grand Rapids High School Drama department perform it on stage.
For those unfamiliar with "Clue," six guests are invited to a dinner party thrown by an anonymous host. They are given aliases of Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum, and Miss Scarlet.
Though discouraged from revealing personal information, it is soon discovered that all of them have fallen victim to the same blackmailer - their very host of the evening! Each is presented with a weapon and an option: pay their extortionist double, or kill the innocent butler. What follows is a madcap, slapstick evening full of murder, mystery, and laughs as they seek to puzzle out the culprit among criminals.
Shows will take place at East Grand Rapids High School, located at 2211 Lake Drive, from November 11-13. Performances start at 7 p.m. with an additional matinee show at 1p.m. on Saturday.
Tickets cost $12-$16 for adults and $6 for students. Purchase them online or at the door.