Lavender Life Company is making it their mission that thousands of kids feel loved and have an Xander bunny or dog.
The Xander bunny was born a few years ago on a lavender farm in Caledonia… lavender life company makes the Xander bunnies and now dogs as well in an effort to help make every child in foster care feel loved and comfortable. Their new barn offers more gathering space for community partners and expanding production as they continue to grow and donate bunnies and dogs around the country. Each bunny and dog has a cute face, is soft to the touch and filled with a packet of lavender and Michigan cherry pits. It’s the calming nature giving every child comfort and help along the way plus never letting them feel alone.
For every Xander bunny or dog purchased one will be donated to a child in foster care. Currently there are 440,000 children in foster care with more children being added into the system every year. So far Lavender Life Company has donated almost 40,000 and won't stop until every foster care child has a Xander bunny or dog. If you would like to purchase a Xander bunny, become a friend of the bunny or try any of their lavender products log on to their website