

Flint water, recovery still key issue in mayoral race


FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Flint is recovering from its lead-contaminated water crisis, but it remains a major issue in the mayoral race.

Mayor Karen Weaver faces off Tuesday against Sheldon Neeley, a state representative and former city councilman.

Weaver, who beat Neeley by 230 votes in the August primary, says Flint has made significant progress since the toxin was discovered. But she recently told The Flint Journal the city must finish replacing lead pipes.

Neeley says community trust is lacking and officials should boost transparency by publicizing financial information, such as how money is spent.

Weaver survived a recall effort in 2017. She was elected in 2015, when voters ousted Dayne Walling.

Walling and others initially said the water was safe, but blamed state and federal agencies for the problems.