

High waves threatening homes on Manistee shoreline

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MANISTEE, Mich. — Wednesday’s high winds are bringing in large waves along the lakeshore and threatening homes.

In Manistee, crews were working in the Bar Lake Access area to save a home from being washed into Lake Michigan. An excavating company spent the day placing large rocks in front of Rochelle Radlinksi’s home to break up the waves.

Paul Swidorksi with the excavating company told the Manistee News Advocate that Radlinksi’s home would likely already be in the lake if they didn’t start the process on Tuesday.

“All the soil in front of her house was gone and her footings were exposed,” he said. “I would imagine if we hadn’t got some boulders in there (Tuesday) the house would have been in the lake. The waves are huge.”

Swidorski said there are other homes in the area who are facing similar situations thanks to 100-year highs in lake levels.

“… We got a couple thousand feet of shoreline yet this year that we have to stabilize, so it is kind of off the charts for the amount of work we are doing on the shoreline,” he said. “It’s every day as there is a lot of destruction on the shoreline.”