

Alabama school removes bathroom stall doors to combat vaping


FLORENCE, Ala. -- Officials at a high school in Alabama have removed some stall doors in school bathrooms to help discourage students from vaping, according to WAFF.

Officials said students are repeatedly bringing electronic cigarettes into school, despite rules that prohibit the activity.

Wilson High School Principal Gary Horton said the drastic step was necessary after a student was found passed out in a bathroom two weeks ago.

Some parents are taking issue with the school's solution.

“Me, as a parent, personally, I think that’s a little excessive," said Brandon Campbell, a father of student at Wilson.

Some parents said a better solution would be to have an adult in the hallway or bathroom to make sure no one is vaping.

“I don’t like it. They take their only private place in the school that they can do their business," Rachel Munsey, a parent, WAFF.

Horton said the door removals may be temporary until they can find other solutions.