

First day for students at Grand Rapids Public Schools


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Today is the first day of the 2019 school year for students at Grand Rapids Public Schools.

For parents and students, the Grand Rapid Police Department and school district is hoping to keep students safe on their way to and from school.

School officials say the traffic pattern will take some getting used to so make sure the kids are using the crosswalk starting on day one.

If your child rides a bike to class. parents should made sure they know the rules: always ride on the right side of the road, use hand signals, and wear reflective gear.

Students also need to be on high alert for strangers, too and officials are encouraging using a buddy system.

"Speed is one of our number one complaints, it is our number one complaint in all neighborhoods, especially with school opening up, be aware of your speed around schools," said Chief Eric Payne, Grand Rapids Police Department.