

Woman hilariously documents hourlong parallel parking standoff in Los Angeles


LOS ANGELES - There is dedicated. Then, there's Los Angeles parking space dedicated.

One committed Twitter user, @Mrhflrs, shared her documentation of an hourlong battle for one parking space, and it's honestly hilarious.

"Parking in Koreatown, Los Angeles: A thread," she began. Her first photo introduced followers to black car and silver car.

As her documentation continued, followers learned more, like when the cars turned on their flashers and when "petty level 6000" was unlocked.

We realized just how serious silver car and black car are when @Mrhflrs noted that another parking space opened across the street. It appeared things had gotten personal by then.

Both cars held steadfast their places, half in the parking space, half blocking one lane of traffic.

At the hour mark. @Mrhflrs celebrated with a festive post.

The sun set, and neither car moved, @Mrhflrs polling followers and asking if she should go introduce herself to the drivers.

Eventually, a third party seemed to bring the dueling drivers' standoff to an end – the vehicle parked in front of the space moved, leaving enough room for both the black and silver car.

But the episode didn't end there as neither driver budged from the cars. It wasn't until nearly 8 p.m. that the driver of the silver car finally got out.

Twitter user @Mrhflrs wasn't done there, however. She wrote notes to both drivers and set up the account so they could get in touch with her.