

911 call reveals what Ohio parents charged in 4-year-old’s death told dispatcher


EUCLID, Ohio -- A 911 call reveals new details as authorities investigate the death of a 4-year-old Ohio girl.

The little girl's mother, Sierra Day, and the mother's boyfriend, Deonte Lewis, who are both charged in her death, called 911 on Sunday, according to WJW. Lewis tells the dispatcher the little girl,  Aniya Day, is barely breathing, and not speaking or responding to them.

Sierra Day then gets on the phone and tells the dispatcher: "She's been acting a little sick. We went to Red Lobster last week. I thought it was 'cause of that, 'cause she started acting weird;  I thought it was like a stomach virus, something she ate, or whatever.  I noticed at home, we start feeding her and she throws everything up."

Sierra Day tells the dispatcher her daughter's flu-like symptoms started last Thursday.  Day says she did not take her daughter to the doctor, but had just spoken to a 24-hour nurse.

Shortly after that, Sierra Day tells the dispatcher that her daughter is not breathing, at which time the dispatcher instructs her to start CPR.

Aniya Day was later pronounced dead at Euclid Hospital. The hospital reported her death as a suspected homicide and the medical examiner's office confirmed that.

Family members told WJW on Monday that there were obvious signs the little girl was being abused and neglected. Sources at the scene Sunday reported the child was "emaciated and bruised."

Sierra Day and Deonte Lewis were charged with aggravated murder. Both are being held on a $1 million bond.