

Residents focus on moving forward after CMU shooting


MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. -- After the fatal shooting at Central Michigan University on Friday, residents in Mount Pleasant are doing their best to live as they normally would.

James Eric Davis Jr., 19, allegedly shot and killed both of his parents in the dorms at the university.

Mount Pleasant mayor Allison Quast-Lents said the community can rebound from the incident by learning from what happened, and to better prepare for the future with the help of all the agencies that responded. Quast-Lents said she's glad many feel the same way.

“When I was out today," said Quast-Lents, "We were out [downtown] and there were other people on the street and the store was full of people, and I had a lot of people comment on how they do feel safe and comfortable.”

Quast-Lents said it's important people come together and discuss what happened - and how they felt.

"Talk about the emotions they were having during the day, and talk about how relieved they are that we're able to come together to prove this community is safe and able to respond in time of a crisis," said Quast-Lents.

Central Michigan University junior Frank Reynolds said he's not going to let the incident frighten him.

“I think I’ll be fine," said Reynolds. "I’m not going to let it get to me. I’m not going to be too scared about it or anything. Obviously it would put a little fear in anyone when you hear that.”

Reynolds said he understands why places around town would shut down Friday for safety measures, but he thinks people shouldn't be worried to leave their homes or walk around campus any longer.

“I think they were starting to panic, because it never happens here," said Reynolds. "It’s like a safe-knit community. Super small.”

Reynolds said he believes Mount Pleasant and CMU are both safe places to be, and students needing to talk to someone should take advantage of the opportunity to meet with counselors.

“I just hope every is safe on campus and doesn’t feel scared," said Reynolds. "You shouldn’t feel like that at the school you go to.”

Central Michigan University President George E. Ross​ plans to double counseling efforts for students.