

Christmas Day flights a success despite snow, cold and wind

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Flyers going in and out of Grand Rapids had lots of snow to contend with Christmas Day.

A lot of people were dreaming of a white Christmas and mother nature certainly followed through on that wish.

While for some winter traveling is stressful, travelers we talked to said it was a lot of fun.

Bruce Centofanti was visiting from Georgia and shared his experience.

“It’s been smooth sailing," he says. "The crowds have been limited, not a lot of overcrowding at the airports and we’re glad to be here.”

Marsha Zandbergen flew in in from Arizona.

“That’s why you come to little old Grand Rapids in Christmas time to see some snow," she says. "Having been brought up in it, it’s fun to come back and see it.”

Fewer people and low prices on flights may have been hard to beat, but the weather conditions made landing a little rough.

 “It was like kind of bumpy but smooth at the same time," says Issac Centofanti, of Arizona. "I wasn’t really prepared for the touchdown.”

Cindy Zandbergen was traveling with her boys from Arizona and they were excited to see the snow.

"Arizona was sunny and Chicago was snowy and blowy, but all was good,”  she says.

Despite the wind and blowing snow, airport officials said they had no cancellations for the day.