

Family: Man who lost legs, hands from sepsis passes away

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A 31-year-old man who lost a lung, his legs and his hands after his body went septic has died, according to his family.

“Our son, a friend of many, has just anxiously left his body to be with His Lord,” a Tuesday poston Dale Kompik Jr.’s Facebook page says.

Kompik had been fighting for his life after he went to the hospital with pneumonia Nov. 11. His father, Dale Kompik Sr. told FOX 17 last week that his body went septic and “turned into a forest fire in his system that was killing him.”

Kompik underwent emergency surgery to remove his right lung, and it didn’t stop there. While recovering in the ICU, he suffered a cardiac arrest which caused a loss of blood flow in his body.

This resulted in the need for doctors to amputate both of his legs. On Dec. 11, he had to undergo another surgery to have his hands amputated.

“He loved you as you loved him,” the Tuesday Facebook post says.