

Suspect plans to sue ‘hero’ who stopped him from robbing Starbucks


FRESNO, Calif. -- A 30-year-old man who allegedly used a gun during an attempted robbery at a California Starbucks now plans to sue the good Samaritan who stepped in to stop the crime, according to KSEE.

Back in July, Ryan Flores attempted to rob a Starbucks when Cregg Jerri, 58, attacked the suspect. In the video, the suspect is shown wearing a Transformers mask and threatening a barista. Seconds later, Jerri picks up a metal chair and hits the suspect in the back.

During the altercation, Flores stabbed Jerri in the neck. Jerri eventually wrestled the knife away from Flores and stabbed the suspect multiple times, according to police.

While police called Jerri a hero, the suspect's mother said her son is a victim.

"He has 17 total stab wounds, lacerations, and defensive wounds," Pamela Chimienti told KSEE.

Flores, who remains in jail on attempted robbery charges, now plans to sue Jerri for excessive force, according to KSEE.

"The guy, in my opinion, went from a good Samaritan to a vigilante. Stabbing somebody that many times, it doesn't take that many stab wounds to get somebody to succumb to you," Chimienti said.

Chief Jerry Dyer said the idea that Jerri would be sued is "ludicrous" and said he does not face any criminal charges.

Flores is expected in court in October.