Morning Mix


Want to know where your food comes from? Visit Nature’s Market in Holland

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Locally grown products is something that Nature's Market, 1013 Washington Ave. in Holland, is something that has people coming back for 30  years. Nature's Market has roughly 35 different farms that they use to stock the store's products. One example is Pleasant Hill Farm out of Fennville's blueberries.

Nature's Market really likes to use organic products because it's grown without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides which they point out can get into waterways.

One very interesting thing that you have in your cupboard and you might not know the significance of using local, is honey. When it comes to your immune system, co-owner Diane pointed out that eating local honey can be good for your health because it has a natural antibiotic.The antibiotics and things inside of the honey are what is floating around in that air. She said that it is recommended that you eat honey that comes from a 30 mile radius from where you live.

To learn more about the beef, milk, whole grains and other products at Nature's Market, stop in today! You can also find them on Facebook.