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Beating the Odds: Pregnant woman finds out she has breast cancer


They say you don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Megan Keller, 37, knows that first hand. She was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer when she was 24 weeks pregnant.

Doctors felt there was no choice but to treat the cancer, but they came up with what they believed was the safest plan for Megan and the baby: chemotherapy every three weeks for about 10 weeks.

Megan was induced at 34 weeks, and Jack Keller was born at 5 lbs. 3 oz.

"I  just keep thanking God that he's strong," says Megan. "He keeps me strong; he keeps us all going. It's truly a miracle, and all that we have been through and how the odds are stacked against us, and he's healthy."

In fact, Megan credits Jack with saving her life. It's likely that Megan's cancer symptoms would have remained undetected had she not been pregnant.

For now, Jack continues to gain strength in neonatal intensive care, while Megan will undergoes more aggressive chemo.

"Keeping positive about it helps, because the minute you don't get out of bed every day, you're not going to get up," she says. "I'm in God's hands, and he's not going to give me more than I can handle."

"I have beautiful children, an amazing husband, and the best family and support system. The sun still shines, and days go on, and this soon will just be in the past."

Megan has been blogging about her journey, you can follow it here.