

Police continue to search Lockhart’s residence in case of missing schoolteacher

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PORTAGE, Mich. — Kellie Yunginger has been through all this before. She lost her cousin decades ago and he still hasn’t been found. Thursday, she walked up and down Oak Bluff Court holding her phone upright in her hand and repeating everything she saw the Portage police doing into the speaker.

“When your loved one goes missing, there’s a lot of emotions that go with it,” said Yunginger who’s organized several searches regarding the missing school teacher Theresa Lockhart. “You’re scared, you’re worried, you’re beside yourself. You’re angry.”

Yunginger was talking to Lockhart’s half-sister Joan Mullowney on the phone. She lives in British Columbia, Canada and won’t be able to make it to Michigan until the Fall she said. So in the meantime Yunginger keeps her updated on the latest news.

“I appreciate that everyone’s keeping her face out in the public,” said Mullowney over the phone. “Maybe somebody will see the news and actually recognize her face and can pass on some news where she might be hiding if possible.”

Theresa's husband Christopher Lockhart thinks she may be hiding, he said last Friday in a phone interview with FOX 17. Police though have said he's been uncooperative since the beloved Schoolcraft spanish teacher went missing on May 18. In the last three weeks, police said they've asked him a few times to let them search the house and he won't them in. He also hasn’t given detectives any information when asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” responded Deputy Chief John Blue when asked if police have spoken to Lockhart. “The investigation is following it’s natural progression. Like I said any of the elements of what’s occurring behind me or at anywhere else, its going to following that.”

Police entered the home Wednesday afternoon around 4:15 p.m. with Christopher standing across the street watching. Hours later, Christopher left in a black car and authorities, along with Michigan State Police, stayed behind ’till after dark. Portage police returned early Thursday morning and continued to check the front yard, back yard, garages and cars. So far, no one’s been arrested.

“I’m choosing to believe that Chris hasn’t done anything at this point and time,” said Mullowney over Yunginger’s phone. “My faith is keeping me going that way. If he hasn’t done anything, at least it’s giving me hope that she’s out there somewhere.”