

Man thanks iPhone’s Siri for saving his life in explosion


WILMOT, N.H. (AP) — A New Hampshire man who was injured in a house explosion is thanking Siri for saving his life.

Christopher Beaucher says he was checking on his mother’s vacant cottage in Wilmot on May 1 when he saw something suspicious and went inside.

He tells WMUR-TV when he switched on a light, the house exploded.

“The whole place caught fire,” Beaucher said. “Part of it collapsed while I was in it during the initial explosion, so I couldn’t really tell where I was.”

Beaucher’s face and hands were badly burned. He grabbed his cellphone but was unable to dial because of his injuries. He says he somehow asked his iPhone’s voice-controlled virtual assistant Siri to call 911, believing he was going into shock.

Beaucher is undergoing treatment for his injuries but says he hopes to return to his job as a cook and tend to his farm.

“I’m very, very, extremely lucky to be alive,” he said.

The New Hampshire state fire marshal’s office is investigating the explosion.