Morning Mix


Benefits of birth control

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A study recently showed that birth control pills have health benefits other than preventing pregnancy and controlling menstrual cycles.

Dr. Diana Bitner, a nationally recognized menopause specialist from Spectrum Health, explains the benefits that birth control has to offer.

In the study, 46,000 women have been studied since 1968, a few years after birth control pills were introduced. The goal was to determine the pill would have on cancer risks, and whether it cold be related to future cancers even after women stopped taking them.

The pill was shown to have long-lasting benefits on reducing the risk of colorectal cancer by 19 percent, uterine cancer by 34 percent, and ovarian cancer by 33 percent. No new cancer risks were seen once women stopped taking the pill either. No matter how long the pill was taken, the benefits would take affect.

Besides reducing the risk of cancer, the pill can also prevent menstrual migraine headaches, PMS or PMDD mood changes, reducing hair growth, reduce acne, and even reduce the heaviness and duration of menstrual flow, making periods lighter and shorter.

There are also risks that come with the pill, but they are rare. The pill can increase the risk of blood clots in the legs, lower sex drive, and mood changes.

The pill is not for everyone, and it is important to know the risks and benefits of any medicine.

Dr. Bitner's office is located at 3800 Lake Michigan Drive Northwest, Suite A. To schedule an appointment with her, call (616) 267-8225.

All information was provided by Dr. Diana Bitner and her blog. Read more.