Morning Mix


John Ball Zoo hiring for summer positions

and last updated

John Ball Zoo is now looking for people who love animals to join their team this summer!

Education manager Rhiannon and Chaco the Tortois stopped by to tell us about these opportunities, and why you shouldn't be slow to secure a summer job.

John Ball Zoo is hiring seasonal positions in:

  • Animal care
  • Admission booth
  • Rentals
  • Education
  • Experiences
  • Gift Shop
  • Food Service
  • Maintenance
  • Membership

If you're interested in one of these positions, candidates should fill out an online application before attending the job fair.

The job fair will be held on Saturday, February 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. where people can get an interview with a hiring manager. The event will take place in the Ballroom on the second floor of the Zoo administration building just outside of the zoo gate.

For more information on positions and the job fair, visit