

Police end sit-in over attorney general nominee

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Video broadcast on an NAACP social media site shows police officers have handcuffed and led off several protesters after the group staged a sit-in at an Alabama office of Sen. Jeff Sessions, the nominee for U.S. attorney general.

Police were seen removing the demonstrators Tuesday evening from a sit-in at the nominee’s office in Montgomery.

NAACP President Cornell William Brooks, who took part in the protest, said the group held the demonstration to oppose Sessions’ nomination as attorney general.

The civil rights organization broadcast the developments on its Facebook page.

The group said it was raising concerns about multiple aspects of Sessions’ record including his prosecution of African-American activists for alleged voting fraud when he was a U.S. attorney.

Brooks said earlier by phone that Sessions “can’t be trusted to be the chief law enforcement officer for voting rights.” The sit-in began shortly after 11 a.m. Tuesday. Those led away were seen being escorted into a police vehicle.