

Chick-fil-A location proposed for Centerpoint Mall in Grand Rapids


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — It won’t be long before Chick-fil-A comes to West Michigan, and now another addition is being proposed, this time in Grand Rapids.

The proposed site is at 3665 28th Street in the Centerpoint Mall near the Krispy Kreme and Toys R Us. The applicant for the fast food restaurant – Jason Hill from Atlanta – is requesting a special land use for its drive-thru.

In October, plans for another Grand Rapids-based Chick-fil-A – on East Beltline near Celebration Cinema North – were shot down by the Grand Rapids Planning Commission due to its drive-thru, saying that they were worried it would ruin the “village” aesthetic they’ve worked to establish for the area.

The Planning Commission will have a public hearing on the Centerpoint proposal Jan. 12 in the afternoon.

In Gaines Township, another Chick-fil-A will be opening Jan 12. Traditionally, the restaurant has offered free meals for a year for the first 100 people to visit a grand opening.