It's known that exercise can help strengthen muscles and improve overall health, but it can also leave behind sore muscles and joints. What's not so commonly known is that acupuncture can help eliminate that pain.
Acupuncture uses tiny, fine, sterile needs that are placed unto areas of the body. When the needles are tapped into those areas, it helps release blockages and increases circulation in the body, bringing the whole body into balance.
This treatment is excellent therapy fore relieving joint and muscle pain, but it's also very effective when combined with traditional Western medical treatments. Acupuncture can be used as therapy on somebody that has a sports injury, to someone with arthritic symptoms.
At Mercy Health Wege Institute, acupuncture is proven to be effective through research to work with several different conditions, symptoms, and some diseases. It's also a really great way to help boost immunity, prevent illness, and relieve stress.
If you're interested in some stress relief, stop by the institute on December 1 from 6 to 8 p.m. There will be massage therapy at a reduce rate, and 50 percent off chair massages.
Referrals and prescriptions aren't required, but you need to schedule an appointment online or give them a call at (616) 685-6923.