

Apple iPads bring gift of education to West Michigan school


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- It was an exciting day for the kids at Burton Elementary School in Grand Rapids on Thursday. Every single one of them received a new iPad Air 2, thanks to a generous grant from Apple.

The grant is called the connectED grant, and is worth a million dollars. Also covered by the grant were 32 Apple TV's and 31 projectors for the classrooms.

"It's going to open so many doors," says Allison Woodside, Principal at Burton Elementary. "And it's really emotional to think about how this is going to change their lives."

The teachers have been training with the technology for several months, and are now ready to pass their knowledge on to the students.

"They've had their devices for quite a while and Apple has been really great about giving us a lot of professional development," says Woodside. "We've had a lot of support and they've been in here working with the teachers consistently and constantly since we received word of getting the grant."

To celebrate the new iPads, students enjoyed an assembly and an apple themed breakfast this morning. The breakfast included pancakes with apple cinnamon topping, fresh apples and apple juice.