

Battle Creek mom releases birthday balloons into air, next day woman finds them in Pennsylvania

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BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — Joan Smith recently released balloons in the air for her 50th birthday, and was surprised and overjoyed to get a response the next day.

Last Saturday, she was celebrating with her friends and family. The next day during clean-up she gathered the leftover balloons and didn’t want to pop them, so she grabbed them, put a special note at the bottom and let them go.

“‘Hi, I had my 50th birthday,' with a smiley face, 'and thought that I would share my balloons,’” said Joan’s husband Dayton rereading the note’s message. “‘Please give us a call,’”

They recorded of video of it and put it on Facebook. The next day, someone called.

Dayton said a woman in Carlton, Penn., almost 350 miles away, received the balloons and wanted to let them know.

“She was so nice,” said Dayton. “She hesitated a lot, she goes ‘Um, uh, this is so and so from Pennsylvania. We got some balloons.’ And I got all excited.”

Dayton said the woman told him that the balloons were tucked under her deck. Her dogs were barking at them, which led her to them.

“They said they grabbed it, they saw the note and she told her husband, she goes ‘You know, I'm going to call them and see if they answer,’” said Dayton. “It was just, it was really exciting.”

They’ve released balloons into the air once before when their five kids were much younger.

They got a letter in the mail in return. But Joan said this was “overwhelming.” It really made her birthday special.

“The whole thing was a blessing,” said Joan. “I was very humbled by it.”