Drugs seized by Kalamazoo Valley Enforcement Team following search in Oshtemo Township (April 19, 2016)
OSHTEMO TWP, Mich. — An investigation into the distribution of high-quality heroin led Kalamazoo investigators to a large amount of drugs Tuesday.
The Kalamazoo Valley Enforcement Team (KVET) say they were tipped off about potential drug activity at a home in the 3200 block of Andover Drive by several concerned residents. After obtaining a search warrant, investigators say they found a large amount of what is believed to be ecstasy (MDMA), high-quality heroin and suspected crack-cocaine.
At the home, authorities took a 34-year-old Oshtemo man into custody. Wednesday, the suspect was identified as Michael Chester Williams, 34, who is facing charges of possession with intent to deliver heroin along with cocaine possession. The suspected ecstasy that was seized was sent to a Michigan State Police crime lab for further testing.
KVET encourages anybody with information regarding illegal drugs or firearms activity is urged to contact investigators at 269-337-8880, or report an anonymous tip to Silent Observer at 269-343-2100 or www.kalamazoosilentobserver.com.