KALAMAZOO, Mich. – The 14-year-old victim from the Kalamazoo shooting spree that left six people dead continues to improve, and was able to open her eyes and look at her parents Tuesday night.
According to an update report on her Go Fund Me page Wednesday morning, Abigail Kopf has reached another milestone. Her Mom and Dad reported that “she looked at us tonight. Her right eye is too swollen yet, but she managed to open her eyes and recognized us.”
The update goes on to say that the incredible outpouring of support is keeping Abbie’s family and supporters going during this tough time.
Kopf was critically wounded during that shooting spree, and crews at the scene were close to pronouncing her dead when she squeezed the hand of her mother. Four others, including Kopf’s grandmother, were killed at the Cracker Barrel restaurant.
On Tuesday morning, her condition was upgraded “fair,” at Bronson Healthcare, where she continues to recuperate.
The other wounded victim, Tiana Carruthers, is still hospitalized.