

Forest Hills school counselor returns after crash to teach kids about perseverance


ADA, Mich. - A group of students got a memorable lesson on perseverance from a mentor they know and trust.

Thursday, 6th graders atCentral Woodlands Schoolin Ada got a surprise visit from their counselor who they haven't seen in months.

Judy Bouley was seriously hurt in a car crash near Knapp Street and Grand River Avenue in September.  She suffered head, neck and hip injuries that she is still recovering from.

Bouley talked to kids about perseverance and being able to readjust life plans when something messy happens in their life.

Bouley told FOX 17 that her family has been overwhelmed by the support they've received from the school and parents, including meals and visits to her home.  She misses the kids and looks forward to getting back to work.