

Professor at Christian college faces dismissal for defense of Muslims


WHEATON, Ill. — A professor at Wheaton College was asked to resign and faces termination procedures for wearing a hijab, the traditional Muslim head scarf, and expressing support of Muslims on Facebook, according to WGN-TV.

Professor Larycia Hawkins will face a hearing before fellow tenured professors, who will recommend to the college provost whether she deserves dismissal. WGN reports the college accuses Hawkins of making statements contrary to the school’s religious beliefs.

Hawkins posted in December on Facebook a comment that said Christians and Muslims believe in the same God and showed solidarity with Muslim women by wearing the traditional headdress. She appeared at a news conference without the hijab but with a group of fellow professors, students, and citizens who support her.

The college’s president stated the school has “no stated position on wearing of headscarves as a gesture of care and concern” for Muslims.