

Fans pack local bars to watch rivalry game

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — 'The Score' Restaurant and Sports Bar was packed to the brim Saturday afternoon as both Michigan and Michigan State fans cheered on their teams.

>> WATCH: MSU beats Michigan in stunner last second fumble

A historic rivalry game, bringing business to the Grand Rapids sports bar, 'The Score'.

"We had all the staff in early because a lot of people showed up early and staked their claim for where they were going to sit," The Score's manager, Neil Cox said Saturday afternoon.

Cox and others tell FOX 17 Saturday's game was one for the books.

"This is probably the biggest Michigan, Michigan State game in maybe, forever," Cox said.

Fans tell FOX 17 although the scoreboard is important, they say, the best part of the day is watching one of the biggest sports rivalries play out on screen.

"I just like the competition between the two teams," said Debbie Hagedorn.

"Michigan is kinda on their way back up, they're having a great season. I love a good rivalry game," said Katie Sinnott, a soon-to-be-bride.

Sinnott enjoyed Saturday's game with a heavily-split bridal party, some rooting for Sparty, some for the Wolverines.

"We give each other a hard time, but in the end we're still friends," she said.