

Student arrested after viral mac and cheese rant

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Storrs, CT (WFSB) — A University of Connecticut student prominently featured in a viral video during which he went on a profanity-laced rant about being denied macaroni and cheese was arrested.

Luke Vincent Gatti, 19, of Bayville, NY was captured in a YouTube video complaining to a UConn cafeteria manager about not being served bacon jalapeño mac and cheese.

Gatti allegedly entered the dining hall with an open container of alcohol, according to the cafeteria manager in the video.

“I was two spots behind the mac and cheese line and the kid had a beer and they confiscated it away from him and that’s when it started,” said Chris Roditos.

Warning: Video contains explicit language 

In the approximately 9 minute clip, Gatti appeared to shove the manager and another student who attempted to intervene.

“He was pushing him, yelling at him and calling him names,” Bruno Maluf said.

A second cafe employee attempted to intervene and told Gatti to take it outside, but he refused.

Gatti then continued to demand his food from the manager and even urges him to call the cops.

“Just give me my bacon mac and cheese and I’ll leave,” he yelled.

Toward 6 minute mark, Gatti was seen shoving the manager again.

At that point, a third employee secured Gatti on the ground. He and the manager could he heard saying “stay down until police arrive.”

A UConn officer eventually came into view and handcuffed Gatti at the end of the video.

Police said he was denied service because he was drinking alcohol in the building.

“I thought he was doing it for the publicity at first but it looks like he is on some weird meds instead of just alcohol. I’m not sure what’s up with him,” said student Nick Chapman.

The clip has been viewed more than 1,000,000 times on YouTube.

Gatti has reportedly been in trouble twice before when he was a student at UMass Amherst.

He was arrested there at least once. Due to privacy issues, UConn can’t say whether Gatti is still a student at the university.

Gatti could be facing more charges as police said they are just getting their hands on the video. Eyewitness News called Gatti but he didn’t return phone calls.