

GRPD ArtPrize Reminders – Don’t bring your drone


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – ArtPrize Seven is underway and the crowds are milling around downtown again.  Grand Rapids Police are out there making sure everyone stays safe and has a good time, and has some common sense reminders for everyone…and one for some special hobbyists.

Drone hobbyists are reminded that FAA regulations prohibit the use of drones or unmanned aircraft systems of any kind in the downtown area.  The use of a drone downtown needs pre-approval from the FAA, and so far, no one has been authorized.  So, don’t bring one downtown for ArtPrize.  Using a drone downtown could bring criminal and/or civil charges.

Also, with all the crowds in the city, be on the lookout for suspicious activity and report it to police.  If you see an unattended bag or anyone vandalizing property or art pieces, report it to police.

Sidewalks will be crowded, but police remind you to use the crosswalks and not cross in the middle of a block.  Drivers should also just plan on driving slower through downtown as there will be a lot of out-of-towners and pedestrians around.  Also, there will be more police officers on patrol, and it is in your best interest to listen to their instructions.

And if you end up at the Grand Rapids Police station, you can still enjoy ArtPrize.  Headquarters is host to 16 ArtPrize entries in the main lobby.